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change thumb image to original image in the product details page in vituemart and joomla

I am using joomla 1.5. I integrated virtuemart in my joomla application. If I add some images for some products, it is showing exactly in the listing page of the product from front-end. But if i click on the product, then it is showing the details of the product. In the detail page, I need the original image instead of thumbnail image. can you please guide me, how to change the thumbnail image to original size of image.

Thanks in advance.


  • If you are using Virtuemart 2 then navigate to root/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/default_images.php

    something like

    <?php   echo $this->product->images[0]->displayMediaFull('class="medium-image" id="medium-image"', false, "class='", true); ?> 

    would do the trick,