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deep copy of node with kxml (java me)

I ran into a problem while developing onto Blackberry. I am using KXML2 api for XML parsing (well actually, I got someone else's code to continue and fix, so I have to use this). The problem is the lack of cloning in java me, and im having some difficulities when trying to deep copy a node. (I dont want to go into details, but the point is, that i need to substitue data into specific points of a html and there is an xml describer for that) So..! :)

XMLElement childNode = node.getElement(ci);

This is the element I need to copy. XMLElement is a simple wrapper class, never mind that, it contains and Element attribute and some useful methods.

Now what I want is kind of like something like this :

XMLElement newChildNode = childNode.clone();

Since there is no cloning, no clonable interface in Java ME, I cannot do that, and this only creates a reference to the original element, which i need to preserve, while modifying the new element:

XMLElement newChildNode = childNode;

Can anyone come up with a usable idea about, how to create a deep copy of my childNode element? Thank you very much in advance!


  • I managed to solve the problem with this simple utility function. It simply iterates through the attributes, copies them and recursively calls the function if needed.

    public static Element createClone(Element toClone) {
                String namespace = (toClone.getNamespace() == null) ? "" : toClone.getNamespace();
                String name = (toClone.getName() == null) ? "" : toClone.getName();
                Element result = toClone.createElement(namespace, name);
                int childCount = toClone.getChildCount();
                int attributeCount = toClone.getAttributeCount();
                for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
                    result.setAttribute(toClone.getAttributeNamespace(i), toClone.getAttributeName(i), toClone.getAttributeValue(i));
                for (int j = 0; j < childCount; j ++) {
                        Object childObject = toClone.getChild(j);
                        int type = toClone.getType(j);
                        if (type == Node.ELEMENT) {
                                Element child = (Element) childObject;
                                result.addChild(Node.ELEMENT, createClone(child));
                        } else if (type == Node.TEXT) {
                            String childText = new String((String) childObject);
                            if (!childText.equals("")) {
                                result.addChild(Node.TEXT, childObject);
                return result;