I have 3 entity: Obj1
, Obj2
, Obj3
How to map 3 entity to one with automapper?
This post describes how to map multiple objects into a single new object, using the following helper class:
public static class EntityMapper
public static T Map<T>(params object[] sources) where T : class
if (!sources.Any())
return default(T);
var initialSource = sources[0];
var mappingResult = Map<T>(initialSource);
// Now map the remaining source objects
if (sources.Count() > 1)
Map(mappingResult, sources.Skip(1).ToArray());
return mappingResult;
private static void Map(object destination, params object[] sources)
if (!sources.Any())
var destinationType = destination.GetType();
foreach (var source in sources)
var sourceType = source.GetType();
Mapper.Map(source, destination, sourceType, destinationType);
private static T Map<T>(object source) where T : class
var destinationType = typeof(T)
var sourceType = source.GetType();
var mappingResult = Mapper.Map(source, sourceType, destinationType);
return mappingResult as T;
Simple usage:
var personViewModel = EntityMapper.Map<PersonViewModel>(person, address, comment);