Search code examples

AngularJS $resource and hypermedia

I have an AngularJS $resource defined like this:

var Menus = $resource('');

and a RESTful API. So when I do a GET on Menus I get this back:

  <collection href="" type="menus">
      <data name="Name" prompt="Menu name" />
      <item href="">
        <link href="" rel="ingredients" />
        <data name="Name" prompt="Menu name">Morning</data>
      <item href="">
        <link href="" rel="ingredients" />
        <data name="Name" prompt="Menu name">Happy Hour</data>

Question is, how do I delete menu 2? (given that it has its own hypermedia link:


  • Assuming that you have gone from the XML to an Angular-managed array of JavaScript objects, you can use this to render your objects:

    <tr ng-repeat="cafe in cafes">
            <button class="btn" ng-click="deleteCafe($index, cafe)">Delete</button>

    and in your controller you can do this:

    function ListCtrl($scope, $http, CafeService) {
      CafeService.list(function (cafes) {
        $scope.cafes = cafes;
      $scope.deleteCafe = function (index, cafe) {
        $http.delete(cafe.self).then(function () {
          $scope.cafes.splice(index, 1);
        }, function () {
          // handle error here

    Look, no client-side creation of URLs! :)

    update: fixed a bug in the splice command, was splice(index, index), but should be splice(index, 1).