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Clear dropdown using jQuery Select2

I'm trying to programmatically clear a drop down using the fantastic Select2 library. The drop down is dynamically filled with a remote ajax call using the Select2 query option.


<input id="remote" type="hidden" data-placeholder="Choose Something" />


        var $remote = $('#remote');

            allowClear: true,
            minimumInputLength: 2,
            query: function(options){
                    dataType: 'json',
                    url: myURL + options.term,
                    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
                        smoke.alert(textStatus + ": server returned error on parsing arguments starting with " + options.term);
                    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
                        var results = [];
                        for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i){
                            results.push({id: data[i].id, text: data[i].name});

                        options.callback({results: results, more: false});

Unfortunately, the call to $remove.select2('val', '') throws the following exception:

 Uncaught Error: cannot call val() if initSelection() is not defined

I've tried setting the attr, setting the val, text and the Select2 specific data function. Can't seem to make the guy clear and work in a radio button like manner. Anyone got suggestions?


  • This works for me:

     $remote.select2('data', {id: null, text: null})

    It also works with jQuery validate when you clear it that way.

    -- edit 2013-04-09

    At the time of writing this response, it was the only way. With recent patches, a proper and better way is now available.

    $remote.select2('data', null)