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How to EJB 3.1 Deployment in Tomcat 5.5.x
Any buddy please help me i have an web space with apache tomcat 5.0 jsp 2.0 and jvm 1.6 and i want to use ejb in my project so please tell me what should i do that i can use ejb 3.1 in my web space which have these resources listed below
i) Tomcat - 5.5.xSupport
ii)JDK - 1.6.x Support
iii)JSP/servlet - 2.0 Support
so how can i use EJB with web application with this available resources i mean what should i do to these things
Please Help me...!!!
As Bozho says, try OpnEJB, but go for JBoss or Glassfish if you can. Tomcat is a JSP container and therefore not meant to this kind of use. EJB run on Application servers.