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syncing sqlite3 for Django tutorial

I'm starting the Django tutorials and have virtual environments and django installed. I'm working on a Mac 10.6.8, which has sqlite3 already installed.

I'm working inside a virtual environment. I changed the file to:

ENGINE -- 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'

I left the NAME -- in the file blank (i.e. '') because the tutorial said

"If the file doesn't exist, it will automatically be created when you synchronize the database for the first time."

But when I run python syncdb, I get the following error:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Please fill out the database NAME in the settings module before using the database.

Why isn't my file automatically created? Or what do I need to do to solve this problem?

Thank you!


  • It will be created for you, but you have to specify what name to call it so just set NAME to sqlite.db or something similar. You can also specify a path so that it doesn't clog up your project directory. I usually save the dev database outside of my project.