I have been fighting with the weirdest loop. I simplified my code down to these two NEARLY IDENTICAL jsFiddles.
One of them gets stuck in a loop (open your console). One of them does not.
The only difference is a class name. Seriously, open them in two tabs and go back and fourth. They're identical.
I've tested this in Chrome, Firefox and IE on multiple computers, varying which one I open first. Same result every time. Why??????????????
$("body").on("keydown", ".fixedValue:not(input)", function (e) {
console.log("the div (which is not input?) was triggered.");
$(".fixedValue input").trigger("keydown", e.keyCode);
$(".fixedValue input").on("keydown", function (e) {
console.log("input (e.g. not the div) triggered.");
As JayC said, the reason the one doesn't recurse is because you didn't change all instances of the class name. To fix your actual problem, try this:
$(".fixedValue input").on("keydown", function (e) {
console.log("input (e.g. not the div) triggered.");
See here.
The keydown event was bubbling to the parent div and then getting triggered again on the child.