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Adding items to the taskbar application menu

I have an application. I would like to add my particular items to the right-click application's taskbar menu via C#. I want to add both permanent items and temporary items.

If I haven't made you to understand, this is the menu I am talking about:

enter image description here


  • This feature is called a JumpList and is for Windows 7. It is part of the Microsoft API. How to use this with C# has been documented thoroughly here and here.

    In order to be able to deal with Jumplist classes in Windows Forms, you'd have to include these DLLs (Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll and Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll) in your project. You can get them from this CodeProject project or you can download the Open source library from WindowsAPICodePack which includes the source code that can be used to access Windows 7 and Windows Vista features. You will need to add two usings at the top of your code:

    using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Taskbar;
    using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell;

    Any Jumplist consists of categories and each category has its own Jumptasks. There are two types of Jumptasks supported till now by WindowsAPICodePack; the JumplistLink and JumplistSeperator. A Jumptask represents an action to be performed by the user like openning a new instance of the application or launching another program. These Jumptasks are grouped in categories called JumplistCustomCategories.