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Boost property write_json incorrect behaviour

I am coding a JSON wrapper for Boost property tree. Currently the focus is on writing the resulting JSON into a string or a file.

Using boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json(ss, *pt) the resulting property tree is written in a string.

But this method do not understand what is a true, false, null or a number. Everything is converted to a string.

Reading the Boost documentation this is a limitation of the library. Is there any way to modify this behavior?


  • Link In this link is a fix for the problem.

    It involves changing boost code, because of that I tried another alternative. My solution involves regular expressions:

    std::string JSONObject::toString() const
        boost::regex exp("\"(null|true|false|[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)\"");
        std::stringstream ss;
        boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json(ss, *pt);
        std::string rv = boost::regex_replace(ss.str(), exp, "$1");
        return rv;

    Basically I search for the keywords: true, false, null and any type of number. The matches are replaced with the same without quotes.