I have ServletFilter
which is used to check whether user already logged or not by using <url-pattern>
. If the user not logged, the redirect to login.xhtml
My Problem
After the user logged, my program is always redirect the dashboard.xml
(based on the navigation-rule
). I would like redirect last visited page
automatically. Could you provide the possible way for that?
Currently My Soluction is work for that
But, I am not happy to use it. Does Seam
support? Could you provide the better way?
In my ServletFilter
, I keep last visited page as below
httpSession.setAttribute(Constants.ORIGINAL_VIEW_KEY, requestPath);
In my LoginBean
, to redirect the last visited page after the user logged.
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory eFactory = application.getExpressionFactory();
ValueExpression binding = eFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{" + Constants.VISIT_KEY_SCOPE + Constants.VISIT_KEY + "}", Visit.class);
binding.setValue(elContext, visit);
ValueExpression originalViewBinding = eFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{" + Constants.ORIGINAL_VIEW_SCOPE + Constants.ORIGINAL_VIEW_KEY + "}", String.class);
String originalViewId = (String) originalViewBinding.getValue(elContext); <--- last visited view id.
UIViewRoot viewRoot = application.getViewHandler().createView(facesContext, originalViewId) ;
If Identity
and Credentials
is used, the page redirected last visited page(to access the page, the use need to login) automatically after the logged. We have to need configure in component.xml
as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components ----->
<event type="">
<action execute="#{redirect.returnToCapturedView}"/>