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how to create an eclipse workspace with command line without actually launching eclipse?

Is there any command to create an eclipse workspace without actually launching eclipse? I want the command be part of script. After the workspace is created, it will be configured (e.g., text encoding) then will be used to import project to RTC. I know below command is able to crate a new workspace. But the command also tries to import or build or clear-Build a project, which is not I want.

eclipse -nosplash 
    -data workspace_name
    -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild 
    -import {[uri:/]/path/to/project} 
    -build {project_name | all} 
    -cleanBuild {projec_name | all}

What I want is just a simple command to create a new workspace, nothing else (no importing, no building, no launching eclipse)? How can I do it?


  • Just create an empty folder. There is really nothing else you need for an empty workspace.

    Edit: If you need preferences as well create sub folders .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings and let your script write .prefs files with the settings that you need. Look at the .prefs files of an existing workspace to see how they should look.