In my android application, i need to do push notification so, i searched for that and i found Google Cloud Messaging at android guide, step by step procedure.
In Writing the Android Application
Step 3: Write the my_app_package.GCMIntentService class
i need to create GCMIntentService class extended from GCMBaseIntentService and i need to implement abstract methods(onRegistered,onUnregistered,etc) in GCMBaseIntentService and in onRegistered method i should send the regid to your server so it can use it to send messages to device.
I got Cordova GCM Push Notifications Plugin for Android example from here
1) there i saw they implemented GCMIntentService class (at src/com/cordova2/gcm), in that class, see onRegistered method, after getting json i don't know why they are calling GCMPlugin.sendJavascript( json ) in line 39?.
2) how to develop client and server for push notification using Google cloud messaging
check following link for Android Push notification With server code=