I want to use a declarative service, but an error is thrown that the bind method ist not accesible or not found:
!MESSAGE [SCR] ComponentReference.bind(): bind method 'setAreaManagment' is not found or it is not accessible!
I can't find my mistake. Here is my service interface:
public interface IAreaManagmentService {
SurfacePolygon getAreaByDatabaseID(int id);
void setAreaVisibility(int databaseId, boolean visible);
public void addArea(Integer objectId, Integer databaseId, double biggestLat, double biggestLon, double smallestLat,
double smallestLon, String name, Date date);
void removeAllAreas();
public LinkedList<DisplayedArea> getAreas();
A class called GlobeView (extends ViewPart) implements this interface.
Here is the XML-File where the service is 'published'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/scr/v1.1.0" name="visualization-servcieprovider">
<implementation class="GlobeView"/>
<provide interface="IAreaManagmentService"/>
And this is the XML-File where the service should be bound:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/scr/v1.1.0" enabled="true" name="visualization-detailsview">
<implementation class="DetailsView"/>
<reference bind="setAreaManagment" cardinality="1..1" interface="IAreaManagmentService" name="IAreaManagmentService" policy="dynamic" unbind="unsetAreaManagment"/>
These two methods are in the DetailsView.java
public void setAreaManagment(IAreaManagmentService areaManagment) {
this.areaManagment = areaManagment;
System.out.println("WAS SET " + this.areaManagment);
public void unsetAreaManagment(IAreaManagmentService areaManagmentIn) {
this.areaManagment = null;
(and there is a private IAreaManagmentService areaMangment of course ;-) )
Where is my mistake? I read the fab tutorial from Lars Vogella, but I can't find my mistake
Edit: I added Service-Component: OSGI-INF/serviceprovider.xml, OSGI-INF/managmentConsumer.xml to my Manifest as well
Two things that might be the issue:
1) Make sure your OSGI-INF folder is on the build path by selecting it in the build tab of the manifest editor.
2) Add these attributes to both of your services activate="activate" immediate="true" that forces the bundle to activate.
3) Another tip would be to remove the policy from dynamic to "static" and I bet that will solve your problem. - Duncan
P.S The other thing I don't see is a fully qualified class name your implementation classes.