I am trying to do something like this
Bitmap img = new Bitmap("\\\\server\\folder\\picture.jpg");
which fails every time.
I know I have permission to read the file because I can manually access it.
In general, I would like to know how to work with UNC paths in C#.
That path is valid. Also, with string literals in C# you can declare them like this @".\MyPath\Doesn'tNeed\DoubleSlashes\Because\IUsed@\file.txt"
This tutorial will show you how to access a UNC path with credentials (which you probably need) http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43091/Connect-to-a-UNC-Path-with-Credentials
Keep in mind that just because the user on Machine A has permissions to access files on Machine B doesn't mean they can do so without entering their credentials.