Say, I've got that prototype of a function that is exposed on a DLL:
int CALLBACK worker (char* a_inBuf, int a_InLen,
char** a_pOutBuf, int* a_pOutLen,
char** a_pErrBuf, int* a_pErrLen)
I'm sure that it's ridiculously easy to call that DLL function from my C# code but it doesn't work with this code:
public static extern int worker(
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] inBuf,
int inputLen,
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] outBuf,
out int outputLen,
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] errBuf,
out int errorLen);
int outputXmlLength = 0;
int errorXmlLength = 0;
byte[] outputXml = null;
byte[] errorXml = null;
worker(input, input.Length, output, out outputLength, error, out errorLength);
I get an access violation when I'm going to fetch the memory for output
and error
inside my unmanaged library (and therefore de-reference the passed pointer):
*a_ppBuffer = (char*) malloc(size*sizeof(char));
How do I write the DLLIMPORT
statement in my C# code for this function?
How do I actually call the function so that a_pOutBuf
and a_pErrBuf
are accessible and not null
from within worker
(i.e. use a real double pointer)?
Your current definition will not work. The worker
function is allocating memory inside of the function and writing to that memory.
The P/Invoke layer does not support marshaling C-style arrays that are allocated in this way, as it has no way of knowing just how large the array will be when the call returns (unlike say, a SAFEARRAY
That's also why returning pointers to arrays from API functions is generally a bad idea, and the Windows API is written in such a way that the memory allocation is handled by the caller.
That said, you want to change the P/Invoke declaration of worker
to this:
public static extern int worker(
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] inBuf,
int inputLen,
ref IntPtr outBuf,
ref int outputLen,
ref IntPtr errBuf,
ref int errorLen
In doing this, you're indicating that you're going to marshal the arrays manually (the outBuf
and errBuf
parameters are going to be set for you); you're passing the reference to the pointer (double-indirection, that's your char**
) and then have to read from them using other indicators for bounds checking (in this case, the outputLen
and errorLen
You would marshal the data out of the pointers upon return like so:
int outputXmlLength = 0;
int errorXmlLength = 0;
IntPtr output = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;
ref output,
ref outputLength,
ref error,
ref errorLength
// Get the strings.
string outputString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
string errorString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
That said, you have another problem. Because the memory was allocated inside the function, you have to free the memory. Since you're using malloc
to allocate the memory, you need to pass the two IntPtr
instances back to unmanaged code in order to have free
called on them.
If you were allocating memory in unmanaged code using LocalAlloc
or CoTaskMemAlloc
then you could use the FreeHGlobal
or FreeCoTaskMem
methods respectively on the Marshal
class to free the memory on the managed side.