I want to install in my eclipse Indigo the plugin m2e-wtp, that allow maven to build .war files.
I tried the using the market place and also the Install software option, but what I get is this:
In the website https://www.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/download/ I see a message that says:
Please note that, m2e-wtp and Sonatype's m2eclipse-wtp overlap and can not be installed together.
But I don't understand if is this my case. I checked my installed plugins, and I don't see Sonatype mentioned anywhere, see this image of my m2e installed plugins:
I thought that maybe it was already installed so I tried to import a maven project that requires this plugin from an svn location and also from my local workspace, but it didn't work:
What is missing in my eclipse, why I cant projects that require the m2e-wtp plugin?
You are not seeing the plugin in your installed plugins because installation failed:
The m2eclipse-wtp project has moved to the Eclipse Foundation. The m2eclipse-wtp plugin is now deprecated in favor of the newer m2e-wtp
Automatic installation from the marketplace has been suspended. m2eclipse-wtp 0.15.3 can be manually installed from http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/m2eclipse-wtp/
From: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/maven-integration-eclipse-wtp
You should install m2e-wtp
through Eclipse Marketplace. Just be careful to actully install m2e-wtp
and not m2eclipse-wtp
(simply search for "m2e-wtp" as some searches actually bring up the old m2eclipse-wtp plugin). The m2e plugins have groupId of org.eclipse.m2e