There were a double check issue in 1.4 Were it fixed in later JDKs?
No, it wasn't fixed and won't be fixed. Java 5 just made it clearly specified that this idiom is broken and that is the final verdict. The proper way to lazily initialize an instance field involves another, similarly called idiom: the double-check idiom:
// Double-check idiom for lazy initialization of instance fields.
private volatile FieldType field;
FieldType getField() {
FieldType result = field;
if (result == null) { // First check (no locking)
synchronized(this) {
result = field;
if (result == null) // Second check (with locking)
field = result = computeFieldValue();
return result;
Reference: Josh Bloch, Effective Java. See also this Oracle technetwork interview with Josh Bloch.