I've been working on an OpenGL project that's essentially practice for drawing b-spline curves. My program returns no errors but the curves won't display.
Given an array of control points of length 13 named 'coords' (the control points themselves are all visible on-screen), this is my code:
float x=0;
float y=0;
float z=0;
for (double u = 3; u <= 14; u+=0.1){
for (int i = 1; i <=13; i++){
x += NofU(u,i)*coords[i].x;
y += NofU(u,i)*coords[i].y;
z += NofU(u,i)*coords[i].z;
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
Where "NofU" represents the blending functions:
double NofU(double u, int i){
if (u < i)
return 0;
else if (u < i+1)
return (1/6)*pow(u,3);
else if (u < i+2)
return (1/6)*((-3)*pow(u,3)+3*pow(u,2)+3*u+1);
else if (u < i+3)
return (1/6)*(3*pow(u,3)-6*pow(u,2)+4);
else if (u < i+4)
return (1/6)*pow((1-u),3);
return 0;
When I attempt print statements, I end up with either insanely large or small coordinate values, or just 0.
Uh, you only have one glVertex3f call inside the glBegin/End block. So you're trying to draw a line strip with only one point in it, which can't really be done. (Not sure whether OpenGL would actually report an error for this or not.)
Hope this helps.