I make a rcon request to a quake 3 server in C# using a udp socket and byte arrays for sending and receiving.
Everything works fine except that when I request a server status, the player names strings are all terminated by ^7, like this: DeathMaster^7.
None of the other strings returned by the rcon commands have this problem, so I am baffled as to what could be wrong.
If you know, please let me know.
Nothing is wrong with your code.
is a color code used for players to change the color of their names as they appear in onscreen text. In this case, ^7
sets the name to be white.
If you want to test this for yourself, connect to a server and change your name to something like this: ^3|SO|^7JonSkeet
and you'll see a name with multiple colors.
Many games are built off of the Quake3 engine, and thus they also use a similar system for colorizing names.