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get all image sizes flickr api

I want to get a list of all image sizes for a single flickr image and I need to be able to get the url of the resized images, all in json format.

I would like to get something like this


How do I construct the url? I can't find any comprehensible guide anywhere!!!!

This is for a responsive image script btw


  • Try:

    Returns the available sizes for a photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo. Authentication

    This method does not require authentication.


    api_key (Required) Your API application key. See here for more details.

    photo_id (Required) The id of the photo to fetch size information for.

    Example Response

    <sizes canblog="1" canprint="1" candownload="1">
      <size label="Square" width="75" height="75" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Large Square" width="150" height="150" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Thumbnail" width="100" height="75" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Small" width="240" height="180" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Small 320" width="320" height="240" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Medium" width="500" height="375" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Medium 640" width="640" height="480" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Medium 800" width="800" height="600" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Large" width="1024" height="768" source="" url="" media="photo" />
      <size label="Original" width="2400" height="1800" source="" url="" media="photo" />