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Java Design: Locking and Monitor reports

I have the following requirement.


The system is report/content management system. It allows user to do CRUD operations on reports.

Business Logic/UI Component

When a user is editing a report, other users can't edit the report but view only.

It contains a page with a table that monitor the locked report for view.


1) How should I implement this "locking" Mechanism ? 2) What are the design pattern and API that will assist me?

My current implementation

I will have a report service class It will contain a hashmap of all the reports that are locked(with information of user for lock management)

I have completed SCJD and was considering using my lock mechanism, but I realize I do not need the wait "locking".

The only problem I worried is concurrency issue when "locking" the report(adding the lock into map), I believe that can be easily solve by using synchronization.

For the monitoring of locked report table, I plan to implement observer pattern in the report service class. For each user/backingbean it will "subscribe" to the report service.

Any inputs? ????


  • Answer is simple... We can manage this problem with 2 classes.

    Features of each class is given below

    (1) track whether any report is open in write mode
    (2) create object of report based on access mode available

    (1) open read only or writable report based on access given
    (2) While closing, reset the flag in ReportUtil class, if the current report was open in write mode.

    To test ReportUtil and Report classes.

    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class ReportUtil {
        private static boolean bIsWriteLockAvaialable = true;
        public static synchronized Report getReport() {
            Report reportObj = new Report(bIsWriteLockAvaialable);
            if(true == bIsWriteLockAvaialable) {
                bIsWriteLockAvaialable = false;
            return reportObj;
        public static void resetLock() {
            bIsWriteLockAvaialable = true;

    public class Report {
        private boolean bICanWrite = false;
        public Report(boolean WriteAccess) {
            bICanWrite = WriteAccess;
        public void open() {
            if(bICanWrite == true) {
                //Open in write mode
                System.out.println("Report open in Write mode");
            else {
                //Open in readonly mode
                System.out.println("Report open in Read only mode");
        public synchronized void close() {
            if(bICanWrite == true) {

    public class Client {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Report report1 = ReportUtil.getReport();
  ; //First time open in writable mode
            Report report2 = ReportUtil.getReport();
  ; //Opens in readonly mode
            Report report3 = ReportUtil.getReport();
  ; //Opens in readonly mode
            report1.close(); //close the write mode
            Report report4 = ReportUtil.getReport();
  ; //Opens in writable mode since the first writeable report was closed

    Output: Report open in Write mode Report open in Read only mode Report open in Read only mode Report open in Write mode

    I don't know why we want to use Hash table here. May be I didn't understand your requirement. Also, I have used synchronized methods to escape from synchronization problems.

    If your requirement was to track all the users who are using the report, please let me know.

    Happy Learning!!!