I need to take the values from a specific column in a table and place them into an array. I'm thinking to use a PL/SQL Stored procedure then calling the procedure in java and using something like:
CallableStatement.getArray(2, myArray);
I was thinking of using something like:
SELECT column1
FROM table1
WHERE table_id = t_id;
In a stored procedure But that didn't work
Presume that myVARRAY
is of type varchar2
. In this case you could try something like
p_col VARCHAR2 (32);
SELECT column1
INTO p_col
FROM table1
WHERE table_id = t_id;
and then you add p_col into your array by
myVARRAY (1) := p_col;
And from Java call your array by
callablestatement.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "MYVARRAY");
Hope this will be helpful, otherwise provide more information about your function/procedure and the type of errors you are getting.