I'm trying to find a shell command that will open Google Chrome with specific x and y coordinates (so that I can set the position of the window when it opens.) Is it possible to do this using command line-arguments?
I need to modify the following command in order to achieve this:
google-chrome http://www.google.com/
http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ says --window-position=x,y is what you're looking for.
Updating this years later to include a small shell script I wrote years ago (but after answering this question) that provides an example of how to start chrome with custom window sizes/position and has the ability to create 'fake' user data directories by name.
It may or may not still work, and has some dangerous options set, but you get the idea.. Do not use this verbatim, some of the flags may have been renamed or been removed entirely.. (like the socks proxy commands did)
#!/bin/bash -x
mkdir -p ${CHROMEROOT}
export PROFILE="${CHROMEROOT}/${FAKEUSER}-chromium-profile"
export DISK_CACHEDIR="${CHROMEROOT}/${FAKEUSER}-chromium-profile-cache"
export DISK_CACHESIZE=4096
--no-displaying-insecure-content \
--no-referrers \
--disable-zero-suggest \
--disable-sync \
--cipher-suite-blacklist=0x0004,0x0005,0xc011,0xc007 \
--enable-sandbox-logging >/dev/null 2>&1
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome \
--remember-cert-error-decisions \
--ignore-certificate-errors \
--ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests \
--allow-running-insecure-content \
--window-position=2400,400 \
--window-size=1500,1000 \
--no-pings \
--user-data-dir=${PROFILE} \
--disk-cache-dir=${DISK_CACHEDIR} \
--disk-cache-size=${DISK_CACHESIZE} \
--media-cache-size=${MEDIA_CACHESIZE} \
#--proxy-server="socks4://localhost:30604" \
#--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" \