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Assembly Language Brute Force

So i am working on an assembly language program to determine the optimum dimensions of a closed cylindrical can, such as those used for canning food products. There are three input variables, which i have already created the calculus portion in assembly language code:

The cost of the end material in dollars/cm2.

The cost of the side material in dollars/cm2.

The volume of the can in milliliters.

Given these three input variables, i have determined the dimensions (height and diameter) of the can such that the cost of the can is minimized. Again i have came up with the calculus portion to solving this program but curious as to what a brute force would look like using a do or while loop. How would one go about doing to create a brute force that generates pretty much the same output as the calculus answer, for example:

Enter the cost of end material per square cm: 
Enter the cost of the side material per square cm: 
Enter the desired volume in milliliters: 

Calculus Answer:

Can cost:  0.24
Diameter:  7.25
Height:    2.41  

Brute Force Answer:

Can cost:  0.24
Diameter:  7.25
Height:    2.41

The calculus portion that i have come up with resulting in a calculus answer output is:

********** CONSTANTS **********
TWO:           EQU    $40000000        
PI:            EQU    $40490FDA
START_R:       EQU    $3C23D70A

start:  initIO                  * Initialize (required for I/O)
        lineout  p1
        floatin  buffer
        cvtaf    buffer,D5   * END cost
        lineout  p2
        floatin  buffer
        cvtaf    buffer,D6   * SIDE cost
        lineout  p3
        floatin  buffer
        cvtaf    buffer,D7   * VOLUME

** Calculus Answer
** Formula for the radius of the optimum can:
** radius = (((volume*side_cost)/(2*PI*end_cost))^(1/3)      

** numerator, volume*side_cost:
        move.l      D7,D1       * VOLUME
        fmul        D6,D1       * VOLUME*SIDE_COST 

** denominator, 2*PI*end_cost        
        move.l      D5,D2       * END_COST
        fmul        #TWO,D2     * END_COST * 2.0
        fmul        #PI,D2      * END_COST * 2.0 * PI

** now take result to 1/3 power
        fdiv        D2,D1        * numerator/denominator
        move.l      #ONE_THIRD,D0              
        fpow        D1,D0       *(numerator/denominator) ^ (1/3)

** Calulus answer done, now calculate diameter, height, cost
        move.l      D0,D1       * D1 has radius
        fmul        #TWO,D0     * D0 has diameter        
        cvtfa       diameter,#2

** calculate height = (volume / PI*r^2)
        move.l      D1,D2       * radius
        fmul        D2,D2       * radius^2
        fmul        #PI,D2      * radius^2*PI
        move.l      D7,D3       * copy of volume
        fdiv        D2,D3       * vol / PI*radius^2  HEIGHT --> D3
        move.l      D3,D0      
        cvtfa       height,#2

        *** side cost:
        move.l      #PI,D2
        fmul        #TWO,D2     * 2*PI
        fmul        D1,D2       * 2*PI*radius
        fmul        D3,D2       * 2*PI*radius*height  = side surface area
        fmul        D6,D2       * side surface area * SIDE_COST

        *** end cost:
        move.l      #PI,D0
        fmul        #TWO,D0     * 2*PI
        fmul        D1,D0       * 2*PI*radius
        fmul        D1,D0       * 2*PI*radius*radius
        fmul        D5,D0       * 2*PI*radius*radius*END_COST
        fadd        D2,D0
        cvtfa       cost,#2

** DONE, print the  calculus answer

        lineout     ans1
        lineout     ans2
        lineout     ans3

How might it be if one wanted to create a brute force for this program using a 'do' or 'while' loop like below. Can someone help me.

radius = 0.01
lastCost = Calculate

    radius = radius+0.01
    newCost = Calculate
    if(newCost  lastCost)
        goto print
    lastCost = newCost
    goto loop
print lastcost

just curious as to what a brute force method might look like for this, im pretty sure it is basically the same code but just adding a couple of lines of code. I just want to know where might i add those lines of code.


  • Well if I understand you correctly you only have to calculate ALL combinations of height and width and take the lowest cost.the problem here is to find an interval which will include the best answer, but also a stepsize which is feasible for you current problem (otherwise you will have too many possibilities) You also need to set the side condition with height*width²*pi = fixed volumina because if the volumina is smaller (which could happen from some combinations) then the cost would also be smaller