When you type /** and Enter above a method in Eclipse, it will generate the Javadoc, for example:
* Finds a World using a String, greets the World,
* and then returns a reference to the World.
* @param world - the World to find and greet.
* @return the reference to the World.
* @throws ApocalypseException - if the World is not found.
public World helloWorld(String world) throws ApocalypseException {
However, sometimes when I am adding Javadoc to methods, it will randomly stop generating:
public Universe helloUniverse(String universe) throws BigBangException {
This is not specific to a class. I will generate 5 or so methods in a class and then it simply stops generating. I assumed that Workspace could not read my class files, so I deleted them and recompiled, but this did not fix the issue. I've also tried restarting Eclipse and that did not work either.
To fix this I cut all the methods that were not generating Javadoc into a class with similar imports and then proceeded to generate the Javadoc comments in that other class and they generated correctly. I then cut them back into the original class without any errors.
This might be a bug in Eclipse, because it happens to me quite often.