With the following script I load a HTML document into a div-container and show it. With the variable "x" I avoid that the document is reloaded with every click on the button.
The function to hide the container is missing here, as it has nothing to do with my question.
x = 0;
$('.button').click(function () {
if (x == 0){
$('.box').load('article.html', function () {
x = 1;
My question is, how do I have to change the script, if I have more buttons that load different documents?
The variable "x" has to work individually for all the buttons. Is there something like "this.variable" or am I wrong and I have to come up with something completely different?
I would define the document to load in a data attribute. For example:
<span class="button" data-doc="article.html">Load article</span>
var $this = $(this),
$box = $('.box'),
loaded = $this.data('loaded'),
if (loaded) {
doc = $this.data('doc');
$box.load(doc, function () {
// mark it as being loaded
$this.data('loaded', true);