As per instructions at Jclouds website, I downloaded the Lein BAT file, and also downloaded Curl to the same folder. I am working on a Windows 8 x64 PC.
Now I created a file named "project.clj" within the folder containing lein and curl.
After that, I ran the following command--
lein deps
However, all this does is create a file within following path (within the folder containing Lein and curl)--
The file named "dependencies" contains the following text--
([:dependencies [[org.jclouds/jclouds-all "1.5.3"] [org.jclouds.driver/jclouds-sshj "1.5.3"]]])
I am not sure what I am doing wrong here... How do I download all of the jclouds files correctly?
sorry, this was updated with lein 2. doc is now corrected.
After creating project.clj...
Execute lein pom, then mvn dependency:copy-dependencies which will fill target/dependency with all the jclouds jars.