I'm using AnythingSlider for a client site. The latest version of Anything Slider (1.8.x) supposedly will now cross-fade the slides. But for some reason it's just not working. It still does what the older versions did: fade out a slide, then new slide pops up. Very frustrating. I'm guessing that it must just be some setting I have incorrect, but for the life of me I can't tell what. Hair. Pulled. Out.
My initialization code is:
mode : 'fade',
resizeContents : false,
delay : 6000,
resumeDelay : 5000,
navigationSize : 5,
buildStartStop : false,
hashTags : false,
autoPlay : true
You can take a look at the testing site here: http://mlkchapel.dandelion-patch.com/test.html
Any thoughts on why the cross-fade isn't working? I appreciate any insight!
A similar issue was reported at the github repository. Basically this problem appears when the slider is wrapped in positioned (relative or absolute) elements with a background color/image.
Just change these two lines in the css to fix it.
.anythingSlider .fade .activePage { z-index: 1; }
.anythingSlider .fade .panel { z-index: 0; }
The .panel
previously was set with a -1