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I have integrated the smarty template to my application as specified here

But I am getting the above error.

enter image description here

I have tried all the possible ways to paste the Yii Smarty parser


        'fileExtension' => '.tpl',
        //'pluginsDir' => 'application.smartyPlugins',
        //'configDir' => 'application.smartyConfig',
        //'prefilters' => array(array('MyClass','filterMethod')),
        //'postfilters' => array(),
        //    'force_compile' => YII_DEBUG,
        //   ... any Smarty object parameter

My pleasure to see if any one suggest other(best) template engine..


exact error message

Alias "application.extensions.yiiext.renderers.smarty.ESmartyViewRenderer" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing PHP file and the file is readable.


  • You should try with:

    'class'=>'ext.ESmartyViewRenderer', // or application.extensions.ESmartyViewRenderer should also work

    The protected/extensions directory is already aliased as ext.