To better understand, pls go to and have a look at Live Example 1: Forcing input to be numeric
I can enter a decimal value with a . (dot) but not with a comma. Then the amount jumps to 0.
Any idea how I can allow dot AND comma? I would like to allow input like 20.00 and 20,00
Kind regards,
You could implement a small fix in the numeric extender (ref. the extenders documentation page that you posted) to solve this. In the "write" method of the extender, add the following code on top:
if (typeof newValue == "string") {
newValue = newValue.replace(",", ".");
The if-statement is needed to prevent an error on model initialization. When the model is first created, the value is most likely set to a number instead of a string, so we can't call the .replace method on this object.