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How to setup ajaxFilter in DWR?

I create a DWR ajaxfilter, but not sure how to config it with Spring. DWR version is 2.0.1, and i hope config it as a globel filter, so when session is expired, i can catch this exception in client side.

package com.gbtags;

import org.directwebremoting.AjaxFilter; import org.directwebremoting.AjaxFilterChain; import org.directwebremoting.WebContextFactory; import org.directwebremoting.extend.LoginRequiredException;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class DWRSessionFilter implements AjaxFilter { public Object doFilter(Object obj, Method method, Object[] params, AjaxFilterChain chain) throws Exception {

    //Check if session has timedout/invalidated
    if( WebContextFactory.get().getSession( false ) == null ) {
        System.out.println("session expired");
        //Throw an exception
        throw new LoginRequiredException( "This operation requires login." );


    return chain.doFilter(obj, method, params);



  • add filter to dwr.xml as below: