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Inflated number of tests and assertions?

I just got going with autotesting in Rails. It seems like I have everything correctly set up (as I get red/green growl notifications). But I don't understand the growl notifications.

  • I have one single model with two attributes
  • I have the following gems (autotest-rails, autotest-growl, autotest-fsevent)
  • I have set up the ~/.autotest file (with require 'autotest/fsevent', require 'autotest/growl')

I have one test looking like this:

test "my first test" do
  assert true

What I don't understand:

  1. I get two growl windows, why?

  2. The first window displays the correct "1 test, 1 assertion", but the second window displays "15 test, 21 assertions". How is this possible?


  • Of course, that was it. The scaffolding had generated functional tests that I wasn't aware of. Thank you so much @prusswan for the hint.