Is there a method provided by the iOS SDK to allow the application to start a loaded sound, and know when it is finished or still being played?
I'm using this audio library but it lacks that kind of functionality
These are the functions I've been using
To load a sound effect or background music:
OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadBackgroundMusicTrack(const char* inPath, Boolean inAddToQueue, Boolean inLoadAtOnce)
OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadEffect(const char* inPath, UInt32* outEffectID)
OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadLoopingEffect(const char* inLoopFilePath, const char* inAttackFilePath, const char* inDecayFilePath, UInt32* outEffectID)
To play them
OSStatus SoundEngine_StartBackgroundMusic()
OSStatus SoundEngine_StartEffect(UInt32 inEffectID)
The answers given to this question are very helpful, since Stormyprods' sound engine is a wrapper for OpenAL
I used the following code:
ALint sourceState;
alGetSourcei(soundID, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState);
if (sourceState != AL_PLAYING)
printf("already playing sfx %d\n", soundID);