I'm using gwt-visualization (a wrapper around Chart Tools). I have a ComboChart that includes two bar charts (stacked) and a line chart, and I want to add an annotation
and annotationText
to some rows.
The DataTable
is defined like this:
private DataTable buildData() {
DataTable data = DataTable.create();
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Day");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Domain");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Domain (Source 1)");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Domain (Source 2)");
return data;
private native void addAnnotationColumn(DataTable data) /*-{
type : 'string',
role : 'annotation'
type : 'string',
role : 'annotationText'
And then the chart options...
private ComboChart.Options createComboOptions(String title) {
ComboChart.Options options = ComboChart.createComboOptions();
Series line = Series.create();
options.setSeries(0, line);
Series bars1 = Series.create();
options.setSeries(1, bars1);
Series bars2 = Series.create();
options.setSeries(2, bars2);
return options;
Which results in something like this:
What I need is to add annotations to some rows in the line series, or in other words how to set roles in a ComboChart, but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do it in gwt (or even how to do it in pure JS in a ComboChart). Help?
Turns out that the ComboChart adds the annotation/annotationText columns to the last series created on the graph - Meaning that the roles were being added to the Bar graph, which does not support annotations in the ComboChart.
The Line graph, however, supports them - So the 'dirty fix' was to have the line series being the last one in the graph:
private ComboChart.Options createComboOptions(String title) {
ComboChart.Options options = ComboChart.createComboOptions();
Series bars1 = Series.create();
options.setSeries(0, bars1);
Series bars2 = Series.create();
options.setSeries(1, bars2);
Series line = Series.create();
options.setSeries(2, line);
return options;