Search code examples

Focus on search text field and making search list navigable

I've a search feature in one of code which ideally performs a search on the list of values (small number).


I've a search button in the bottom, I put a keyup event listener to get instant searches. Now the question is how can I make it navigable. Ideal scenario search for some text, hit enter and it should open the first element, else you should be able to navigate through.

If I'm not clear above I'm actually asking for a feature very similar to Facebook Chat sidebar search.


  • For the sake of the OP who has not added jQuery to the list of tags ( I congratulate you ), I'll add a small navigation plugin in pure JavaScript.

    Disclosure - the credit for the actual logic would go to Eric Priestley of Facebook fame as this was lifted from his Javelin JS library.

    I'm posting a link to the fiddle here. I also assume from your question that you already have a search solution in place and are simply looking for a navigation solution.

    Cross posting from fiddle. I've commented a lot in the code, so should be self explanatory. Though if you do have doubts, get in touch.

    HTML Can be anything you desire. For brevity, I've added this

    <input id='control' type='text' placeholder='Search text here' />
    <!-- List of results - hardcoded for now -->
    <ul id='hardpoint' class='hidden'>
        <li class='item'>Search item 1</li>
        <li class='item'>Search item 2</li>
        <li class='item'>Search item 3</li>
        <li class='item'>Search item 4</li>

    The code

    (function() {
         * Helper functions
        var bind = function( context, func, more ){
            if (typeof func !== 'function') {
                throw new Error ("No function supplied to bind function");
            var bound = arguments ).slice(2);
            if (func.bind) {
                return func.bind.apply(func, [context].concat(bound));
            return function() {
                return func.apply(context || window, bound.concat( arguments )));
        var getChildElements = function(node) {
            var childNodes =;
            childNodes = childNodes.filter(function(item) {
                return item.tagName && item.nodeType && item.nodeType === 1 && item !== node;
            return childNodes;
        var hasClass = function(node, className) {
            return ((' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') > -1);
        var alterClass = function(node, className, add) {
            var has = hasClass(node, className);
            if (add && !has) {
                node.className = node.className.trim() + ' ' + className;
            else if (has && !add) {
                node.className = node.className.replace(
                new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)', 'g'), ' ');
        var getIndex = function( list, element ){
            var index = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                if( list[i] === element ){
                    index = i;
            return index;
        // Start of plugin
        // Constructor
        var ListNavigator = function(config) {};
        // This can be moved within constructor if you so prefer
        ListNavigator.prototype.init = function(config) {
            // On what element do you want the controls to activate
            // Pressing up down etc on this element, triggers tha navigation
            this.control = document.getElementById(config.control);
            // The list of results that can be navigated
            this.hardpoint = document.getElementById(config.hardpoint);
            // A list of items ( usually, childNodes ) of hardpoint
            // Dynamically populated
            this.display =  getChildElements(this.hardpoint);;
            // What to set the focus on initially
            this.focus = -1;
            // Specify a function to execute when the user chooses a result
            // Keydown - Return : configured to be the choose event type now
            this.choose = config.choose;
            this.selector = config.selector;
    = function() {
            var controlEvents = ['focus', 'blur', 'keydown', 'input'],
                mouseEvents = [ 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousedown' ],
                self = this,
                selector = this.selector;
            controlEvents.forEach(function(event) {
                self.control.addEventListener(event, bind(self, self.handleEvent), false);
            mouseEvents.forEach(function(event) {
                self.hardpoint.addEventListener(event, bind(self, self.onmouse), true);
        // Logic to change the focus on keydown
        ListNavigator.prototype.changeFocus = function(d) {
            var n = Math.min( Math.max( -1, this.focus + d ), this.display.length - 1);
            if (this.focus >= 0 && this.focus < this.display.length) {
                alterClass(this.display[this.focus], 'focused', false);
            this.focus = n;
            return true;
        // Set the focus on the targetted element
        ListNavigator.prototype.drawFocus = function() {
            var f = this.display[this.focus];
            if (f) {
                alterClass(f, 'focused', true);
        // Handle mouse events
        ListNavigator.prototype.onmouse = function(event) {
            var target =, type = event.type;
            if ( hasClass( target, this.selector ) ) {
                if ( type === 'mousedown' ) {
                    // Choose this element
                else if ( type === 'mouseover' ) {
                    // Set the focus to element on which mouse is hovering on
                    this.focus = getIndex( this.display, target );
                else if ( type === 'mouseout' ){
                    // Reset the display to none
        ListNavigator.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
            var type = e.type;
            if (type === 'blur') {
                this.focused = false;
            } else {
                alterClass(this.hardpoint, 'hidden', false);
        ListNavigator.prototype.hide = function() {
            this.display = [];
            alterClass(this.hardpoint, 'hidden', true);
        ListNavigator.prototype.submit = function() {
            if (this.focus >= 0 && this.display[this.focus]) {
            } else {
                if (this.display.length) {
            return false;
        ListNavigator.prototype.update = function(event) {
            console.log( 'upadte' );
            this.display = getChildElements(this.hardpoint);
            if (event.type === 'focus') {
                this.focused = true;
            var k = event.which;
            if (k && event.type == 'keydown') {
                switch (k) {
                case 38:
                    if (this.display.length && this.changeFocus(-1)) {
                case 40:
                    if (this.display.length && this.changeFocus(1)) {
                case 13:
                    if (this.display.length) {
                case 27:
                    if (this.display.length) {
                case 9:
                    // If the user tabs out of the field, don't refresh.
        window.ListNav = ListNavigator
    var nav = new ListNav();
        control: 'control',
        hardpoint: 'hardpoint',
        selector: 'item',
        choose: function(){
            console.log( arguments );