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Calculating problems with mobiscroll and jquery mobile

I try to count the nights between departure and arrivaldate, and if the departuredate is set the arrivalate should change automatically to a day after the given departuredate.

thats my mobiscrolldatepickers


        preset: 'date',
        theme: 'ios',
            dateFormat: '',
            dateOrder: 'M DD ddyy',
minDate: new Date()




        preset: 'date',
        theme: 'ios',
           dateFormat: '',
            dateOrder: 'M DD ddyy'



thats my try of a function to calculate:

 var DatePicked = function() { 
    var departure = $("#anreise"); 
    var arrival = $("#abreise"); 
    var nights = $("#nacht"); 
    var triggeringElement = $(this); 
    var departureDate = departure.scroller("getDate"); 
    var minArrivalDate = departure.scroller("getDate"); 

    if (departureDate != null) { 
    minArrivalDate.setDate(departureDate.getDate() + 1); 
    } else { 
    minArrivalDate.setDate(minArrivalDate.getDate() + 1); 

    arrival.scroller('option', 'setDate', minArrivalDate); 


and thats how i try to call the changes :

    onSelect: DatePicked   

ive tryed my best to get it working but i dont know further now :)


  • So i figured it out:

    ive added that function to my anreise-scroller:

    onSelect: function() {
                                        var date1 = $('#anreise').scroller('getDate');
                                        var date2 = new Date(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate() + 1);
                                        $('#abreise').scroller('option', 'minDate', date2);
                            $("#abreise").scroller("setDate",date2, true); 

    Not perfekt but did it, and ive added the following code to my abreisescroller:

    var currentDate = new Date();

     var nextcurrentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() + 1);
    $("#abreise").scroller("setDate",nextcurrentDate, true);

    thank you