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.NET test framework with parameterized unit testing, that shows red/green for each combination?

Parameterized Unit Testing is great when you have X unit test * Y configurations.

I have 3 unit tests, and each must run in 5 particular situations.
I use's Theory/PropertyData feature, it works well.

PROBLEM: In the Test Runner UI, there is one green/red symbol per unit test, which means 3.
It makes it difficult to evaluate progress: the symbol is red until ALL configurations work perfectly.
I want 15 symbols, one per unit test * configuration, to know what particular combination is going wrong. has yet to implement the feature to show 15 symbols.

I am willing to switch to another test framework just to get this feature.
QUESTION: Does any .NET test framework have this feature?
Any kind of reporting is fine (GUI, HTML, etc)

enter image description here


  • You can use TestCaseAttribute or TestCaseSourceAttribute of NUnit to specify different parameters for test. Each test case will be shown as separate test in test runner.