I've been trying to implement widgets with Dojos Dijit in EPiServer 7. I know how dojo/dijit works, but how do I implement it in EPiServer CMS 7? The project I have is a MVC project. I've tried looking at this guide (http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Linus-Ekstrom/Dates/2012/10/Creating-a-Dojo-based-component/), but I can't find the namespaces which he is using in his C# class. I've tried to find other tutorials, but I have had little luck.
Does anyone know how to do this or can link me to a tutorial?
I posted the same question on EPiServers forums and figured it out.
What was wrong was the data in the WidgetType property.
PlugInAreas = "/episerver/cms/assets",
Categories = "cms",
WidgetType = "mycomponents.testModule", //was wrong, I had to define "mycomponents".
Title = "test component",
Description = "A componenet")]
public class testModuleComponent
I had to define a namespace that dojo would recognize. I did this in module.config. This is my module.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add name="mycomponents" path="~/ClientResources/Scripts" />
Scripts is the folder with the dojo script. I define ~/ClientResources/Scripts as root of a namespace with the name mycomponents.
EPiServer automatically includes dojo for you, so you dont have to do it yourself.
See this thread: http://world.episerver.com/Modules/Forum/Pages/thread.aspx?id=63255&pageIndex=1#reply.