I'm looking for a method to dynamically create new class objects during runtime of a program. So far what I've read leads me to believe it's not easy and normally reserved for more advanced program requirements.
What I've tried so far is this:
// create a vector of type class
vector<class_name> vect;
// and use push_back (method 1)
vect.push_back(*new Object);
//or use for loop and [] operator (method 2)
vect[i] = *new Object;
neither of these throw errors from the compiler, but I'm using ifstream to read data from a file and dynamically create the objects... the file read is taking in some weird data and occasionally reading a memory address, and it's obvious to me it's due to my use/misuse of the code snippet above.
The file read code is as follows:
// in main
ifstream fileIn
fileIn.open( fileName.c_str() );
// passes to a separate function along w/ vector
loadObjects (fileIn, vect);
void loadObjects (ifstream& is, vector<class_name>& Object) {
int data1, data2, data3;
int count = 0;
string line;
if( is.good() ){
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
is >> data1 >> data2 >> data3;
if (data1 == 0) {
vect.push_back(*new Object(data2, data3) )
If you absolutely have to use pointers (your objects store large data sets internally) then you should change your code to:
// create a vector of type class
vector<class*> vect;
// and use push_back (method 1)
vect.push_back(new Object);
//or use for loop and [] operator (method 2)
vect[i] = new Object;
Keep in mind that you'll have to delete
your objects at some point.