I'm trying to have two axes on the same data.
The data is a couple of DefaultTableXYDatasets
. The plot is a XYPlot
, and I have two XYLineAndShapeRenderers
and one StackedXYAreaRenderer2
All data is in meters for the y-values, and I want to have one axis displaying it in meters and one axis displaying it in feet. Now this feels like a common thing to do, but I can't decide on the most obvious way to do it. One way that works would be to duplicate the data and have the y-values in feet, then add another NumberAxis
and be done with it.
But I thought it would be wiser to subclass NumberAxis
, or inject some functionality into NumberAxis
to scale the values. Or should I go with the first approach?
What do you think?
Eventually i settled on this solution, it might not be the most elegant but it worked. I have a second axis feetAxis
, and added a AxisChangeListener
on the first axis called meterAxis
. When the meterAxis
changes set the range on feetAxis
I used SwingUtilities.invokeLater
, otherwise the range would be incorrect when zooming out of the chart, then the feetAxis
would only go from 0 to 1. Didn't check why though.
feetAxis = new NumberAxis("Height [ft]");
metersAxis = new NumberAxis("Height [m]");
pathPlot.setRangeAxis(0, metersAxis);
pathPlot.setRangeAxis(1, feetAxis);
metersAxis.addChangeListener(new AxisChangeListener() {
public void axisChanged(AxisChangeEvent event) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
feetAxis.setRange(metersAxis.getLowerBound() * MetersToFeet, metersAxis.getUpperBound() * MetersToFeet);