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recognize an onclose event with OleVariant?

I´m using a OleAutomation with Excel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); to use the functions Excel.Replace and Excel.SaveAs. These functions are essential in my problem and I cannot leave them out. On the other hand I have to use an OleVariant type, which has no OnCloseEvent. Now my problem begins:

At first a small overview:

**procedure OpenExcel begins**

Excel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); 
//Excel opens a template and replaces placeholders 

**procedure OpenExcel end**;

Now Excel is open with all placeholders replaced. After this procedure the client can alter his sheet, correct mistakes, .. . Ongoing he wants to close Excel or save the Workbook.

And here starts my problem: I want to catch the moment, when the client closes Excel. If his document is saved, all data (some strings like path or color and integers like id´s placed in an object) will comitted to another programm named ELO (document archive) before the OleObject will be destroyed. But OleObjects can´t recognize a close or whatever.

Is there a workaround to solve this problem? Perhaps linking an object to the OleObject or the process itself to determine when Excel is closed by the client?

I looked up if there is a way provided by the \Ocx\Servers\excel200.pas but I didn't found anything. My co-worker advised I should look into the office folder and search for the excel .tlb-file, but it doesn't exsist.


If this isn´t possible do anyone know how I can use Excel.Replace and Excel.SaveAs with an object, which has a OnClose Event?

My current code for replacement is the following:

//for all sheets in the workbook
for iSheet := 1 to Excel.Worksheets.Count do

  //activate the sheet

  // this will be..
  sWhat := %First String%;  
  //..replaced by..
  sReplacement := %Second String%;

  // warnings off (override message or if excel didn't find a sWhat)
  Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts := False;

    What          := sWhat,
    Replacement   := sReplacement,
    LookAt        := xlWhole,
    SearchOrder   := xlByRows,
    MatchCase     := False,
    SearchFormat  := False,
    ReplaceFormat := False

  //warnings on
  Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts := True;

The SaveAs method is similiar. It just sends a command which excel itself can handle like the Excel.Cells.Replace.

I hope the description of my problem is clear enough, my english isn't as good as I want it to be..

Thanks in advance!


  • I just wanted to tell you that I didn´t solve this problem with late-binding but instead with early-binding.

    For everyone with the same problem here is a possible solution:

    uses excel97, excel2000 //order is important
      ExcelApp : TExcelApplication;
      ExcelWb: _WorkBook;
      ExcelSt: _WorkSheet;
      iLCID: Integer;

    Open Excel, load a file, activate a sheet and connect to an OnWorkbookBeforeClose method

      // open excel
      iLCID := GetUserDefaultLCID;
      // create and connect excelapplication
      ExcelApp := TExcelApplication.Create(self);
      // load file
      ExcelWb := ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(
        emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam,
        emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam,
        emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam, emptyParam,
      // Visible - off
      ExcelApp.Application.Visible[0] := false;
      // Starts excel on the first sheet
      ExcelSt := ExcelWb.Sheets[1] as _WorkSheet;
      // Visible - on
      ExcelApp.Application.Visible[0] := true;
      // Connect to the closemethod
      ExcelApp.OnWorkbookBeforeClose := WorkbookBeforeClose;

    Replace something

      sWhat, sReplacement : String;
      iSheets : Integer;
      // basic data
      sWhat := **STRING 1**;
      sReplacement := **STRING 2**;
      // Warnings off (Overridewarning)
      ExcelApp.Application.DisplayAlerts[iLCID] := False;
      // Replace for all sheets in a workbook
      for iSheets := 1 to ExcelApp.Application.Sheets.Get_Count do
        ExcelSt := ExcelWb.Sheets[iSheets] as _WorkSheet;
          {What} sWhat,
          {Replacement} sReplacement,
          {LookAt} xlWhole,
          {SearchOrder} xlByRows,
          {MatchCase} False,
          {MatchByte} False
      // warnings on
      ExcelApp.Application.DisplayAlerts[iLCID] := True;

    Save your work

      oFileName, oFileFormat : OleVariant;
      Value = Constant in excel (Description)
      50   = xlExcel12 (Excel Binary Workbook 2007+ with or without macros, xlsb)
      51   = xlOpenXMLWorkbook (without macros Excel 2007+, xlsx)
      52   = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (with or without macros Excel 2007+, xlsm)
      56   = xlExcel8 (97-2003 Format in Excel 2007-2010, xls)
             !!! in 2003 = xlNormal !!! 
      oFileName   := 'Filename';
      oFileFormat := 50;
      iLCID       := GetUserDefaultLCID;
        {Filename} oFileName,
        {FileFormat} oFileFormat,
        {Password} emptyParam,
        {WriteResPassword} emptyParam,
        {ReadOnlyRecommended} false,
        {CreateBackup} false,
        {AccessMode} 0,
        {ConflictResolution} false,
        {AddToMru} false,
        {TextCodepage} false,
        {TextVisualLayout} false,
        {LCID} iLCID

    BeforeClose method

     procedure WorkbookBeforeClose(Sender: TObject;
       var Wb, Cancel: OleVariant);
       oTrue :OleVariant;
       ExcelApp.Application.Visible[0] := false;
       //Here comes your stuff when the user wants to quit excel
       oTrue := true;
       Cancel := oTrue;

    I hope this will help some people, who encounter a similar problem :)