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Eclipse: Dependencies for .war generation

I have 3 projects

  1. XXX.web : a Dynamic Web Project
  2. XXX.persistence: a normal java project
  3. XXX.t1: a normal java project

Projects 2 and 3 have other dependencies with jars inside of them.

Project1, XXX.web, has imported the other two projects, XXX.presistence and XXX.t1 using:

  • Right Click on XXX.web -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Projects -> add -> XXX.t1


  • Right Click on XXX.web -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Projects -> add -> XXX.t1

When I run the XXX.web, Eclipse resolves the dependencies (at runtime I think, correct me if wrong).

However I want to generate a .war file so that my web project, which has dependencies to the other two projects works fine. Does eclipse to this by itself or do I have to manually copy the dependency jars in t1 and persistence to web's lib folder?


  • Use ant to build your war file. Ant can compile your projects and build a war from them. Look here for more info: How to create war files