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Convert date time value to expected with SimpleDateFormat

I have an issue with converting a date time value to expected one with SimpleDateFormat (java), my expected format is MM/yyyy, and I want to convert 2 values to only 1 format

  1. MM-yyyy for example 05-2012
  2. yyyy-MM for example 2012-05

ouput is 05/2012.

I implemented something look like following

String expiry = "2012-01";
try {
    result = convertDateFormat(expiry, "MM-yyyy", expectedFormat);
} catch (ParseException e) {
    try {
        result = convertDateFormat(expiry, "yyyy-MM", expectedFormat);
    } catch (ParseException e1) {

private String convertDateFormat(String date, String oPattern, String ePattern) throws ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat normalFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(oPattern);
    Date d = normalFormat.parse(date);
    SimpleDateFormat cardFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(ePattern);
    return cardFormat.format(d);

Now, the return value is 6808, I don't know why.

Kindly anyone help me on this case.


  • Add SimpleDateFormat#setLenient() to your convertDateFormat method:

    private String convertDateFormat(String date, String oPattern, String ePattern) throws ParseException {
        SimpleDateFormat normalFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(oPattern);
        normalFormat.setLenient(false); /* <-- Add this line -- */
        Date d = normalFormat.parse(date);
        SimpleDateFormat cardFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(ePattern);
        return cardFormat.format(d);

    It will make the convertDateFormat fail if the date is incorrect.

    This is explained in detail here: