(disclaimer: this question is much simpler than the title suggests!)
I have a re-occuring problem in my program architecture with listening to changes against a model.
I have set-up some collections (much like in Backbone.js
) which are just lightweight classes built around an array. The collection is a collection of models. When the user makes changes to a model I keep ending up with dreadful nested events. This is a typical, simple, scenario that I'm trying to avoid:
$("#user-details").on("click", "#save", onSaveClick);
function onSaveClick()
var givennames = $("#givenname").val(),
// Get the model from the collection
var user = users.get($(this).attr("data-id"));
// set the property
user.set("GivenNames", givennames);
// listen for the save event
$(user).on("save", function(){
// Alert the view
user.save(); // save event triggers a "save" event on the model
If the same user is saved twice the event gets added/fired multiple times. Is there a better pattern for this?
Should the event be bubbling up through the collection and handled that way perhaps?
Here's an actual example (the one I'm most ashamed of)
$("#user-devices").on("click", ".device button", function(){
var button = $(this),
deviceId = $(this).closest(".device").attr("data-id"),
device = userDevices.get(deviceId);
$(device).on("activate", function(event, device){
if (device.get("Active") === "1")
$("#reactivation-warning-dialog .btn-primary").on("click", function(){
You could just check if the save
event is already binded, in that case not bind it again, like this:
// if no 'save' event already binded
if (!$(user).data('events') || !$(user).data('events').save) {
// listen for the save event
$(user).on("save", function(){
// Alert the view
See working example
To put some sugar on top, we can make the "check if event exist" logic into a custom jquery pseudo-selector, that would be defined as follows:
$.expr[':'].hasEvent = function(obj, idx, meta, stack) {
return ($(obj).data('events') != undefined
&& $(obj).data('events')[meta[3]] != undefined);
Then you can use it this way:
$(user).not(":hasEvent(save)").on("save", function(){
// Alert the view
Working example
Starting with jQuery 1.8 there were some changes to the events object which makes my above code not to work, see this excerpt from the jQuery 1.8 release notes:
$(element).data(“events”): In version 1.6, jQuery separated its internal data from the user’s data to prevent name collisions. However, some people were using the internal undocumented “events” data structure so we made it possible to still retrieve that via
. This is now removed in 1.8, but you can still get to the events data for debugging purposes via$._data(element, "events")
. Note that this is not a supported public interface; the actual data structures may change incompatibly from version to version.
So here I post the jQuery >= 1.8 updated versions for of my above examples:
Checking if the save event is already binded, in that case not bind it again:
// if no 'save' event already binded
if (!$._data(user, 'events') || !$._data(user, 'events').save) {
// listen for the save event
$(user).on("save", function(){
// Alert the view
And the custom jquery pseudo-selector:
$.expr[':'].hasEvent = function(obj, idx, meta, stack) {
return ($._data(obj, 'events') != undefined
&& $._data(obj, 'events')[meta[3]] != undefined);