I've got a script that creates a gradient by shading cells based on their distance from a set of coordinates. What I want to do is make the gradient circular rather than the diamond shape that it currently is. You can see an en example here: http://jsbin.com/uwivev/9/edit
var row = 5, col = 5, total_rows = 20, total_cols = 20;
$('table td').each(function(index, item) {
// Current row and column
var current_row = $(item).parent().index(),
current_col = $(item).index();
// Percentage based on location, always using positive numbers
var percentage_row = Math.abs(current_row-row)/total_rows;
var percentage_col = Math.abs(current_col-col)/total_cols;
// I'm thinking this is what I need to change to achieve the curve I'm after
var percentage = (percentage_col+percentage_row)/2;
If you can give me hand with the right maths function to get the curve I'm after that would be great! Thanks!
// Current row and column
var current_row = $(item).parent().index(),
current_col = $(item).index();
// distance away from the bright pixel
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(current_row - row, 2) + Math.pow(current_col - col, 2))
// do something with dist, you might change this
var percentage = dist / total_cols;