I am confused about which pattern to use to design the following scenario,
Interface GearBox {
int upshift();
int downshift();
int reverse();
AutoGearBox implements GearBox{...}
ManualGearBox implements GearBox{...}
Now I want to add DualClutchGearBox to the hierarchy.All previous gearboxes are single clutch. How do I go about doing it?
With Decorator -->
DualClutchDecorator implements GearBox{
DualClutchDecorator(GearBox box){...}
With Bridge -->
GearBoxImpl impl;
AutoGearBox implements GearBox{...}
ManualGearBox implements GearBox{...}
abstract class GearBoxImpl{}
SingleClutchImpl extends GearBoxImpl{...}
DualClutchImpl extends GearBoxImpl{...}
Which is one is better and why?
I'm not sure I'd use either of these patterns. Is there a reason why you don't want to just create a 3rd concrete class?
You use Decorator when you need to dynamically change behavior. One of the main examples I can think of is Java's InputStreamReader. I can compose a decorated reader for whatever case I need and they conform to the same interface
// I need to read lines from a file
Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
// Or I want to read lines from a byte array and track the line numbers
Reader r = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)));
So the idea of decorator is that I can change the behavior at runtime by adding decorators. This is not what you are trying to do from what I understand. A DualClutch will exhibit a specific behavior, there will be no need to change it on the fly.
I don't see a great case from Bridge either but I guess it depends on your specific case. Like I said, it seems like DualClutch will just have static behavior and an automobile will either have it or not. Seems like a simple concrete class would do the trick.