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Having a hard time finding a Java mp3 player(api) with a lot of functionality

I've been looking at different API's (recently I've used JLayer), and I can't seem to find one with as much functionality as I'm looking for.

I have an assignment to make a media player, that plays MP3 files(was recommended that we use some api). I know how to do the GUI, storing the files into playlists, and other things. The thing that I need help with is the playing the music part.

I don't know if there is an API that fills all of my needs, but this is my check list. Needs to be able to:

  • Play an mp3 file
  • Pause and start again
  • Able to set the volume
  • Able to skip to a certain place in a song
  • Would be nice to have the length of the song

I think that is essentially my list of things I'd like to see in an API, I've just been having a hard time finding one.

Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks!


  • The gstreamer - should help you.