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How can I fix excel appearance in cognos ?

I make a report as pdf.It s fine. But when I export it to excel ,there are many sheets on excel . I do not wan to it.I want to 1 sheet.How can I fix this?



  • Depends on your Cognos version you can use the Excel 2000 single sheet format in Cognos 8.X:
    Cognos 8.4.1 Excel Formats
    However, I assume you are using Cognos 10.X. In this version this feature is deprecated:
    Excel 2000 and Excel 2000 Single Sheet Report Outputs

    So, you can use the following options:
    1. Export report in CSV or Excel 2007 Data format. This is excellent choice if format is not required.
    2. Change your report layout to support single sheet excel: Create all your report objects in one page, remove any page sets definition.
    You can use render variable to create separate output for Excel and separate output for other formats.