i have made an installer with izpack for my java desktop application ... after installation my launcher.bat file needs java build path to be set for execution .. when i add java build path it works fine ....
but .., how could i make it work in all the systems i install ..
any answer or methods would really help ..
look at my batchfiles (i have shown you the batch files where i have not added java bin path)
set CLASSPATH=$INSTALL_PATH\src\cs.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt.jar;.;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt-debug.jar;.;
set PATH=$INSTALL_PATH\src\cs.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt.jar;.;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt-debug.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33\bin;.;
java com.acti.conversionsupport.browser.SWTBrowserImpl
set CLASSPATH=$INSTALL_PATH\src\cs.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt.jar;.;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt-debug.jar;.;
set PATH=$INSTALL_PATH\src\cs.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt.jar;.;$INSTALL_PATH\lib\swt-debug.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33\bin;.;
java com.acti.conversionsupport.browser.CallerSocket
cd \
nircmd exec hide caller.bat
nircmd exec hide swtbrowser.bat
when i execute launcher after adding java bin folder to the classpath ....things works fine both of my task get executed ..but what could i do for other systems ..how could i make things work fine everywhere ?
You may consult the Windows registry to obtains the JRE installation path as shown in this post
To consult the registry from batch see this link.